THE EVER-FRESH ALWAYS CLEAN PROGRAM The EVER-FRESH "ALWAYS CLEAN" Program is a great option for all of our customers. With the purchase of our superior CARPET PROTECTION PROGRAM, we offer you one full year of 1/2 price carpet cleaning! What this means to you is, if you schedule a cleaning in 6 months; it’s half price! If you schedule your annual deep cleaning within one year of the purchase of one of our CARPET PROTECTION PLANS, you can receive your annual cleaning at half-price when you renew your CARPET PROTECTION PLAN. It’s easy; you pay for the annual protector, and we will clean your protected carpet at half price! With this, you continue to receive half-price cleanings for another year! How can we afford do this? It is quite simple; protected carpet cleans up much easier than unprotected carpet. I know that I can clean your carpet in almost half the time since protected carpet releases soils, stains, and oils much easier. Think about this! If you are having company, or a party, it is now affordable to "" your carpet before company arrives, or get things back to normal after everybody leaves. No embarrassing dirt and soil, no strange carpet odors; just fresh, clean carpet! I can confidently say that I know of no other company that will offer you such an outstanding deal! My goal is to have satisfied repeat customers that tell others about our great service! I want everyone in the process to win! Be sure to check out our website for details on our REFERRAL REWARDS PROGRAM, where you can save even more! All programs and offers are subject to change without notice. If you are currently participating in any of our offers, they will remain valid.